Portfolio - Pencil

Pencil drawings

At an Industrial Level

Offshore commute

300 x 400 mm, pencil drawing, 2015

Gathering the hoops

500 x 700 mm, pencil drawing, 2015

The rotorhead of a Super Puma

300 x 400 mm, pencil drawing, 2015

The East Hangar

2400 x 500 mm, pencil drawings on a rotorblade, 2015

Topping the cask

300 x 600 mm, pencil drawing, 2015

Artist’s Commentary

In Pencil at an Industrial Level I capture drawings at the docks, on the runway of Aberdeen Airport, in the East Hanger of Aberdeen Heliport, as well as in the barns where the whisky casks are made in Speyside.

Kate drawing in a barn