Portfolio - Oil Paintings

Oil paintings

Industrial Landmarks

The arrival

2.4 x 1.2 m, oil painting, 2014

Mounting the beanie

500 x 400 mm, oil painting, 2015

Grampian Talisker and the cherry picker

500 x 700 mm, oil painting, 2015

Sentinel Star in the dry dock

Sentinel Star in the dry dock

500 x 400 mm, oil painting, 2015

Rotorhead of a Super Puma

1000 x 800 mm, oil painting, 2015

Harkand Da Vinci along Waterloo Quay

Harkand Da Vinci along Waterloo Quay

400 x 400 mm, oil painting, 2015

Artist’s Commentary

Industrial landmarks is a series of large-scale monochromatic impressions of an iconic landscape capturing the docks, railway station, heliport and hangers of Aberdeen.

The oil paintings convey the subject matter within a limited palette of colours. Subtle nuances reveal themselves, unveiling increasing layers of detail.